Squat Mobility Overhaul
Total cost: $49.99

Squat Mobility Overhaul

4 Weeks

Why Purchase

Improve your squat in 10 minutes per day. This program will get rid of knee pain, ankle pain or make it so you can get low enough. Each day of programming aims to get you deeper in your squats, improve your Olympic lifts, and get even stronger in your back, front, and overhead squats

Plan Includes
•Workouts and progressions written by Doctor of Physical Therapy Zach Long and leading gymnastics specialist Pamela Gagnon
•Workouts that last around 10 minutes each
•4 weeks of workouts, 4 days per week
•2 to 3 exercises and drills per workout to train different areas of your squat
•A variety of mobility exercises, strength progressions, and drills to build strength and stability

About Performance Plus

  • Performance Plus Programming
    Doctor of Physical Therapy & Coach

PERFORMANCE PLUS is uniquely developed to help you stay ahead of injury by focusing on prehab and bodyweight strength. Each day our experts demonstrate skills programming that will help you achieve your goals– whether you are training for a competition or just want to get stronger, our step-by-step guidance is all you need to take care of your body.

Squat Mobility Overhaul
Total cost: $49.99

About Performance Plus

  • Performance Plus Programming
    Doctor of Physical Therapy & Coach

PERFORMANCE PLUS is uniquely developed to help you stay ahead of injury by focusing on prehab and bodyweight strength. Each day our experts demonstrate skills programming that will help you achieve your goals– whether you are training for a competition or just want to get stronger, our step-by-step guidance is all you need to take care of your body.